Our Mission

Where We Are


Mission Statement


The First Congregational Church of Kittery United Church of Christ is a welcoming, spiritual community; anchored in love and growing in faith. It is our mission to:

Inspire spiritual growth.
Nurture all families.
Embrace the wider community.

No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here!

(voted & adopted February 24, 2019. SPecial thanks to Angel Simone.)



8:00 a.m.

Worship through stillness, silence, & the Word

10:00 a.m.

Worship through celebration, music, & the Word

Worship through Community and Companionship at both services, and all times in between.


Weekly Activities


Children & Youth

Children and Youth are welcome and necessary participants in our worship services each week. After sharing in a short lesson together at the beginning of the service, children and youth are invited to go to the Nursery or Sunday School for age appropriate Faith Learning.

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  • Monday Morning Bible Study: 10am, upstairs in our Parish House. Join us to go deeper and broader in our understanding of scripture!

  • Book & Meditation Group: Thursday morning @ 10am, join us for small group discussion and exploration of far-ranging topics as we learn more about ourselves and the world in which we live!

  • Afternoon Tea:
    Wednesdays 3:00-5:00 in our Parish House. Join your host Mary Carter in the Parish House each Wednesday afternoon for tea, and bring your knitting (or any project!) if you like. Or just come for the tea and conversation!

  • Choir Rehearsal:
    5:30 to 7:30 in our Sanctuary. All are welcome!

  • Yoga For Anybody:
    Thursdays at 8:30 in our Parish House. Join instructor Sue Mickey in our Parish House each Thursday morning for an inclusive Yoga practice that is truly for anybody and any body. This class is by donation at the door.

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Popcorn & Games!
Join us for Family Game & Movie Night, an evening event when we gather to take a break from our regular schedules, and connect with one another. Subscribe to our newsletter or Facebook page for details & dates!

Interested in more? See our full calendar of events and services.